integrated change - work

integrating the body, the conscious & the subconscious

this more ‘global’ approach to change is uniquely synergistic. it also feels more adapted to our times due to it’s flexibility, interactive & dynamic nature, by not being locked into the way, but rather a way of removing the obstacles that prevent your shift from taking place. 

take a look at the methodology of my integrated change-work below.


the body

the body

"the easiest way to change any emotion is via the body, be it actively or passively"

i use the bodies help to facilitate emotional shifts in several ways, to include… 

1 integrated structural and energetic body work

“colin’s body work is of the purest and most intentional that i have ever experienced. there is magical transference that takes place”

designed to create space for change, this very specific manual technique opens up the physical manifestations of physical, conscious & subconscious stress. my technique has its roots in life flow based chiropractic, and has integrated ideas from the acupuncture, trigger point, energy balancing, biomechanics, magnetism and structural integrity worlds. it has evolved over 28 years of private practice and is still guided by the philosophy that...

we are born to be well, and that if we are not, something is in the way 

2 integrated movement coaching

“this was not only a great way to start the day but also a great equaliser for the group. we were exposed and bonded in the same moment”

lengthening, strengthening, oxygenation, balance & coordination, with an eye on posture, specifically forward head tilt, flat-butt syndromes, and their associated emotional and biochemical implications.

done 1 on 1 or in groups at our field in town or your field, workshop & retreat. not to be missed

3 a ‘nourish - don’t punish’ nutritional cleanse & detox

“there i an unimaginable clarity that comes from this process”

this approach requires a clear mental shift to get going. once in motion however, it is gentle, clarifying, energy creating and a beautifully powerful way of dissolving a problem complex and wiring in a new and sustainable solution complex. if done while doing movement, coaching and hypnotherapy, i can’t see anything but good things happening.

this cleanse can be done during a specific 5 day integrated retreat


the conscious mind

“ experiencing practical neuroscience in motion”

this integrated coaching - designed to lay the foundation for your self directed neuroplasticiy. sessions can last between 5 & 90 minutes & can be used for enhancing that which is already great in your life or upgrading that which holds you back.

done anywhere, in person, on the beach, in the mountains, a cafe, online, at workshops and retreats, 1 on 1 or in groups, this very accessible format is dynamic, interactive & creative and effective.