mastering the

art and science

of change

as a species

we understand how wildly off balance we are,

how stress and the disconnected states of being dominate our existence.

while this global state of being is accelerating at unprecedented speed, and depending on our level of awareness, it offers us 2 clear choices going forward.


getting swept up

in the distracting, dramatic, disconnected energetic tsunami that represents the external environment, what i call the fog or..



the invitation the fog offers us to go inside, to look at our internal environment and see what we need to heal to vibrationally and quantically be part of the global solution.

the choice

to return to self, universal, warmth, love and safety that we all innately yearn for requires work that can only be done if we have the tools.

at the workshops,

you receive the tools

and the framework within which to use them.


a thought, a feeling, an emotion or behaviour that has hurt us for years, that has denied us a full living experience, may seem daunting as we believe to be true stories like,

“it has always been like this”,

“my uncle had the same thing”,

“it’s in my family”,


changing these stories by understanding the structure of change will make your personal changes more attainable.

reconnecting with self and universal wisdom by taking our innate and profound personal power back, vibrating as the best version of of ourselves is perhaps the most important thing we can do right now.

if this resonates, if you feel the same way,

then come join us

so we may travel that road together.

the workshops take place in mallorca, cape town, at your place of work or a destination of your choice.

talk to me via whatsapp or sms at

00 33 789 28 6969

“the revolution will not be televised” - gil scott- heron


of what we explore at the workshops,

the playing field of change

a road map for navigating our emotional battles

understanding experiencialism and how it applies to change

the 5 constants in the change world

identifying and showing up for the true you

the undeniable formula for change

mastering this formula

facilitating personal awareness in 3 comprehensive ways

exploring your unique intuitive and energetic gifts

mastering the easiest ways to change a harmful thought, feeling, emotion or behaviour

protocols for stopping behaviour/emotions that hurt us

the shift protocol for changing them

(proactively, reactively and in real time)

exercises for re-wiring the change into permanent behaviour

how to stop spam once you start living your changes

identifying and accessing our energy sources

harnessing sacred sexual energy for change

( 5 key moments during sacred sex to wire in intentions)

the battle for the mind through conscious movement

what your inner warrior has to say about your changes

discovering your inner sanctuary

the 5 most important states of being to master and program in your body

the energy ball and energy shield

the power of the combat stance


are some comments from our felanitx,

Mallorca workshops

“I love colin and what he is doing in this world . He gives you a simple way to understand how we work , how we are creating our reality and how we can become the masters of our own creation , reclaim our power and stop being as affected by the external world .

“i learned more in this workshop than in any workshop i have ever attended. everyone should have access to this information - a wow moment”

“The Saturday workshop was a refresher course in all the things you know to be true but have somehow forgotten. The teachings were an encouraging reminder that we are capable of change and that each negative emotion or painful experience can become an invitation to experience its opposite and positive emotional state. Colin delivers his wisdom in a comforting and playful manner, in a setting that feels like a dream classroom. He offers his hand should you choose to make the leap of change in your life. Highly recommended” ❤️

He gives you some very easy exercises that are very practical, they become tools to keep yourself in check . To help your own energy or help other people around you to heal and thrive more in life . We decide how we want to feel , instead of being a victim to your circumstance” - Vera Luz

“Colin provides a sanctuary for individuals to gather, connect, and explore a load of empowering tools that help you navigate life's challenges. These healing workshops offer a space for reflection, support, and the discovery of practical tools to enhance well-being in a safe and loving environment”.

Colin’s workshop came to me at exactly the right time of my life, being grateful I got invited to it. It had so much insight and potent information. So many great tools and exercises were shared to change your mindset to live a more fulfilled life with a positive outlook. Colin had such a bright charismatic energy sharing his wisdom, making everybody comfortable and reassured to learn these tools to break toxic patterns and rewire our nervous system. Helping to see that we all have the power within us to make a change in ourselves and to share with the world at large.”

“Hi Colin, I am writing this message to express my deepest gratitude for your love and support since we met. Your unwavering belief in my ability to heal has given me strength to persevere during difficult times. Your dedication in helping others is truly inspiring and by coming to your workshops it has made me realise even more I really want to do the same. Thank you again for sharing your spiritual wisdom and being an integral part of my healing journey.”- cassie

“I was with Colin at the workshop. its clarity and structure is doing me a lot of good personally. He passes on an incredible amount of knowledge and practice. the tools he shared at the workshop supported the process of awareness to master the mental and emotional training. what I particularly appreciate is the simplicity. Life is very simple, not more, not less” - janette

“Dearest Colin,

I want you to know how grateful and blessed I feel.
your physical body work made me noticeably not only straighten up, I also feel so much more balanced mentally - After only three sessions

your workshop on self directed change started yesterday! Boooooom! What a prelude!!!

implementing your philosophy and insights can make dealing with friends, family ,neighbors and other people a much more peaceful and content experience.

Big thanks for everything.

“Dr. Colin Moore's workshop is an extraordinary, lifechanging experience. It expands your mind, empowers your spirit, and fills you with an abundance of positive energy. If you're ready to embrace transformation and unlock your fullest potential, this workshop is an absolute must. Get ready to embark on a journey that will forever change the trajectory of your life”.

“the perspective i got with this workshop was invaluable. it gave me the road map that allowed for the ‘aha’ moment when i realised that what i was feeling was not really me but rather an outdated version of me that needed an upgrade”

“Colins workshop is highly recommendable for anyone wanting to implement real change in their lives through simple but powerful techniques. In a safe and open environment he manages to hand you tools, which you can add easily to your everyday life. You will leave his wonderful place full of energy and the motivation it needs to start new paths”.

“Dr. Moore goes above and beyond to provide practical tools and strategies that you can immediately apply to your life. Whether it's mastering effective communication, cultivating resilience, or nurturing self-compassion, you'll walk away equipped with the skills to create lasting positive change”.

“This workshop is a powerful catalyst for personal growth and self-discovery. Dr. Moore's expertise in psychology and his unique approach blend scientific research with spiritual wisdom, resulting in a transformative journey like no other”.

“Thank you Colin for this deep workshop. It helped recognise which programs are well settled in my body and to bring renewed consciousness, and confidence to overwrite them.”

“With his personable nature, he gives his participants informative and helpful guidance on how to embody the person you want to become. It was a pleasure to do the inner work with Colin. Looking forward to the next workshop”.

“thank you for the wonderful workshop yesterday. I had no idea what exactly was going to take place when Cassi asked me to come with her. It was a big surprise when you started talking about a topics I am very passionate about - Healing, growth, knowledge. it hit the spot”.

“I value so much every step taken to open and trust the inner self! your workshop was an expanding experience for my human self and my higher!

Awareness , clarity , peace, and love are closer !

I learned the importance of accepting, forgiving ! Another thing which I always need to be reminded of is to ask the energy what is it you want , direct it! 

Thank you again for this present”.

“thank you so much. A great Workshop and a lot of empowerment for all involved”

“A highly recommended event of mind and heart opening energy ! Hosted by a great speaker and amazing council”

talk to me via whatsapp or sms at

00 33 789 28 6969

to schedule a workshop at your place or join us at ours

colin robert moore

doctor of chiropractic

b.a. h.d.e. d.c.

integrated chiropractor, neuro-plastic based life coach, energy practitioner, hypnotherapist, educator and wellness consultant

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