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I use 5 modalities individually or in an integrated manner to remove the obstacles that prevent your change and healing from taking place


through the body

-structural - energetic bodywork-

I believe that the easiest way to change an idea, a behaviour, an emotion or a feeling is through the body.

the combination of chiropractic, energetic, sound and vibrational work makes this approach the reason most people come see me.

“i have been in practice for 15 years and have been worked on by chiropractors from all over the world. doctor colin gave me the best adjustment of my life - he is a unique talent”


through the conscious mind

-integrated coaching-

integrated life coaching is a process of creating awareness, using supported conversation and a series of exercises to change unwanted feelings, habits, emotions and behaviours.

"the power of this work lies in its logic, simplicity, interactivity and neuroscientific roots"

regardless of what you want to change, be it low self-esteem, lack of confidence, anger, fear, anxiety, etc., the pruning of what we call the maladaptive emotional programs, the ones that hurt you, is a requirement for change.

(structural-energetic bodywork, if indicated, is included in these sessions)

“colin has given me tools (that really work) to make a powerful change on a conscious, subconscious and cellular level. his insight into human behavior and what it takes to trigger change is unparalleled”


through the subconscious mind


"an altered and comfortable state, much like a nap, in which the possibility of sustainable change is enhanced"

the more I work with the subconscious, the more I understand its power as the most fertile ground for change and healing.

It is here where we stare down the outdated automatic and destructive programs that rob us of a peaceful living experience.

during our first 7 years of life our brain wave state does not readily allow for critical thought.

as a result, information and experiences are essentially stored as truth, even if this is not the case, and become beliefs that are stored in the subconscious.

with love and security being our dominant needs at this stage of our development, the subconscious adapts our behaviour if it feels a lack of either, real or perceived, to essentially pull love and security our way.

this can manifest as shyness, controlling, jealousy, anger addictive behaviour, etc. necessary adaptations for the individual when younger, however as an adult, with critical thinking skills in place, these adaptations are now maladaptive and emotionally crippling.

if these maladaptive programs are too deeply rooted to be removed through integrated coaching then hypnotherapy offers a valuable option.

“my husband is not the same angry person after working with colin. my life and the lives of our two children have been changed forever”


through energy work

through energy work I have seen what most would describe as miracles.

I have seen similar results with pure chiropractic, however what is so impressive about energy work is that it can be done remotely and the results are often so dramatic that it requires a questioning of how we see our current reality.

the fact that the modern world suppresses this type of work confirms its power.

my goal as an energy practitioner is to unlock, balance, revitalize, and facilitate your unique energy so that your innate intelligence can use it to restore balance and connection.

“it was a remarkable time for me as i came to better understand who i am, or really who we are, and where healing comes from"


through education

-our series of workshops-

our workshops share the playing field of the human condition, the why of what we are and most importantly share the pragmatic tools for self-directed change

change has a formula,

i + e = c

which we all understand in our own way, but which we don’t put into practice on a day-to-day basis.

once understood the daunting task that is change becomes more attainable.

click here for information on our workshops

“the perspective i gained from this workshop was invaluable. it gave me the road map that allowed for the "aha" moment where i realized that what i was feeling was not really me but an outdated idea that needed an update”

for more comments on our work 

for whatever you want to heal or change,

contact me via whatsapp

00 33 789 286 969