“my experience with colin was perfect. the clear, fixed idea i had in my head about my unhealthy relationship with food was reworked in a gentle but straight forward session. his pragmatic orientation allowed me to connect with the real problem, to take its power and to come out of the fog and reconnect with my mind and body. i apply the simplicity of this holistic change work to any old ideas or obstacles that i encounter or create every day. thank you Colin”

not everyone can get to us so the online offers us a great solution.

one of the beauties of the online is that it can be done anywhere you feel comfortable - all we need is a solid wifi connection.

hypnotherapy is best when home, where you can lie down and I have the contact details of a roommate of partner should you go in too deep, which is a good thing:)

the online option is also done for small groups and companies for the building of required states of being through small workshops.

I enjoy the online format and have served people from around the world with it.

for whatever you want to heal or change

contact me via whatsapp at

00 33 789 286 969

with love to you and yours,
