the 1 day


10h00 - 14h00

(with 2-3 small breaks)

group tune in

the big picture of change

a moment with our unique energetic gifts

a moment with our intuition

a moment with our subconscious

feeling vs thinking vs listening

awareness protocols

identifying the preferred self

the 2 most powerful ways to change

states of being and how to create them

group tune out


16h00 - 20h00

(with 2-3 small breaks)

tune in

the conditions for change to take place

the 3 states of being that make change more attainable

stopping maladaptive programs like anxiety, anger, lack of self love and/or confidence etc

changing maladaptive programs the easiest way

changing maladaptive programs the neuro-plastic way

changing maladaptive programs the integrated way

techniques for wiring in the new programs/states of being

questions and answers

dance it in  - send it out

to join us

contact me via whatsapp

00 33 789 286 969