what‘s important?

we believe that your wellbeing, that of your family, your company and work community are important.

we believe that competent, balanced employees completing tasks in an accomplished and injury-free manner is important.

we understand that time and resources are not always allies in our quest for what’s important.

wellness initiatives

in-house is the culmination of dr. moore’s 25 years of serving patients and his desire to share it in microcosms like working communities.

with our focus on the valued individual—their potential and aspirations—and guided by the 5 ideas below, we believe we can create a wellness consciousness in your company, where everything feels possible for everyone.

education choice responsibility support synergy

improved mood, creativity, solution- nding, performance and decreased sick days, injuries, absenteeism are some of the bene ts of being balanced and functioning better socially, emotionally and physically.

why balance & why wellness?

we see wellness and balance as parts of the same ideal. we understand that when balanced & well, we are more capable in every aspect of our lives.

the two graphics below allow us to identify where we are off balance and also provide structures to re-establish balance.




(how to use the wheel)


how we think

how we move how we regenerate

?...because we come to you

how we eat


a system of communication free of interference




our initiatives t seamlessly into existing daily routines. working communities appreciate initiatives of this nature. human potential, performance & wellness are our passions.
we believe that we will make a difference in tangible & intangible ways.

our proposal

we ask for nothing more than a short meeting to get know each other, discuss your human resources goals and see if the wellness programs we have in mind are a good t for your company.

contact dr moore at drcolmoore@gmail.com 



as leaders the only conversation we should have about investing in our staffs wellness is not if we should invest but rather, what the right investment will be


for me, it has to be a proactive investment in body and mind, one that addresses the fundamental cause of all burn out, destructive behaviour and lowered quality of life…


our inability to change - to adapt to stress    


it also has to be effective, simple to implement, sustainable, logical & cost effective


after 26 years of fine tuning my wellness initiatives for companies, i believe i have a well balanced approach to 

in-house wellness initiatives for any company, small or large



imagine for a moment that you had someone come to you, bimonthly, who…


performed manual stress removal (bloquoas/blocages) of on each team member

(5-8 minutes and 26 years of experience)


taught the fundamentals of whats important, change & stress management

(mini seminar - 20 - 30 minutes - or available on line for those who can’t make it)


guided vital de-stress & recharging hypnotherapy group sessions 

(10-15 minutes) 


did individual hypnotherapy sessions for those struggling to make important emotional changes


that it was effortless to implement, organically sustainable & cost effective


would add value to your project & who loves what he is doing 



i can do this for you - and it would be a pleasure to do so


if you like this idea, then then lets..



talk about wellness goals for yourself, your staff & your company



set up a trial with either 5 staff members or the whole team

(we will need no longer that 60 minutes to do a trial with 5 - 8 staff members)



talk about my adaptable needs in terms of space and time



after the trial..


let us sit down, enjoy the moment and talk about the initiative.  if it adds value, how we can make it better - a golden standard in the field of hospitality, incentives for staff and their participation costs & budget.

if we see only green lights, we can set a date to start and evolve this initiative together.


i would enjoy the opportunity to be part of your continued success



contact me at




or visit 





to change something we have to change something